Who We Are

Wilderness Leadership & Learning

WILL is a transformative, holistic, 12-month, experiential-learning, youth-leadership, and life-skill-development program for youth  (9th – 11th graders) in the DMV from underserved/under-resourced neighborhoods.

Group posing for photo on hike

What is WILL?

Each word in the name Wilderness Leadership & Learning is purposeful and plays a role in advancing our goals.


The outdoors serves as our teaching and learning crucible. The wilderness allows us to positively challenge WILL youth to push the envelope and expand their respective comfort zones so that they come to understand there are NO barriers they cannot overcome to achieve their goals. The wilderness also provides a myriad of new experiences for everyone.


Leaders say what they mean, mean what they say, and do what they say; they inspire themselves and others to action and to be positive agents of change in their lives and in their communities; they give to others and to their communities. We emphasize that empathy and compassion – caring about the world in which we live and caring for one’s fellow persons – are essential qualities to be an effective leader.


Each day is a learning opportunity and we all learn from one another. WILL provides new and diverse learning experiences and challenges. Through the program’s learning crucibles, decision-making and life skills increase, and curiosity and appreciation for trying new things and not being afraid of the unknown expands.

Changing lives for the past 20 years

Group posing for photo on hike
WILL grads have graduated high school
Compared to D.C.’s 74.9% four-year graduation rate for the 2021-22 school year
Program attendance rate
Program hours annually
Program days per year
Retention rate
Far exceeding the 50% benchmark for youth development programs

What our graduates have to say about WILL

Support teens like these.

I have grown in every way possible by being a part of WILL; I would do it again 1,000 times. Every WILL program I learned something new. I will never get a chance to do something like WILL again.  I think that everyone should do the WILL Program.


WILL Graduate

Through WILL I learned that there is greatness in me, that I have a bright future, and that I can do anything I choose to do by working hard to achieve it.

Girl rock climbing


WILL Graduate

WILL greatly increased my level of self-confidence.  Steve says that we all have greatness  in us and because of my WILL experience I believe him.


WILL Graduate

WILL is a once in a lifetime experience and is a life changing experience that gives you more than you could ever imagine.


WILL Graduate

If I were you, I would join the WILL Program. It is really a great experience; you learn about yourself and get to do things you never thought you would or could do. WILL should be required for all high school students.


WILL Graduate

My WILL experience was inspirational.  I participated in life changing activities that I would not have experienced without being in WILL.  I gained a new appreciation for nature and the importance of taking care of the environment, and I learned that I am a compassionate person and a good leader.


WILL Graduate

WILL is the best program; it expanded who I am and made me a stronger person. Every WILL activity was my favorite because each one gave me knowledge.


WILL Graduate

Of the many things I learned in WILL, a few that standout are: I can do anything if I put the time and effort in it, how to make SMART goals and action plans to achieve my goals, to take care of the environment by not wasting food and conserving water, and the importance of money management and credit, how to implement a budget, and to live with financial dignity.


WILL Graduate

WILL teaches us SMART Goals so we know how to set clear goals and to use action plans to achieve our goals. This is inspirational to me because learning SMART Goals has me excited about what I can and will do in the future.


WILL Graduate



The vision for Wilderness Leadership & Learning (WILL) was conceived by founder and President Steve Abraham during a National Outdoor Leadership School program.


Steve left his law practice in 2003 to create and lead a program to enhance the educational, leadership, and life skills of DC high school youth from underserved/under-resourced neighborhoods.


September 14, 2024, WILL celebrated the graduation of its 19th WILL Class.

Our Mission, Four Pillars, and Values

WILL prides itself on a foundation of guiding principles.
Group posing for photo in mud in swamp