
Enhancing Traditional Classroom Education

Help DC youth reach their full potential.

The WILL program propels youth into a future beyond their imagination, enhancing traditional classroom education with exceptional, diverse outdoor experiential learning opportunities. These experiences will help students develop their inherent strengths, decision-making abilities, leadership, and life skills, ensuring they are confident and successful as they progress in life.

As a parent, I am very grateful to the WILL program. The program has instilled values and morals in my daughter, has built her self-confidence, has enriched her culturally, and has exposed her to avenues in life that she did not know existed. More importantly, the vision of WILL is unique and it instills in our youth the confidence that success awaits them at the end of the road.


WILL Parent


Challenge/Ropes Course

Challenge/Ropes Course

In October, WILL kicks off its year of experiential learning and leadership development with a challenge/ropes course. Goals for the day include: getting acquainted, fostering teamwork,  decision making, and communication skills, and stretching comfort zones so WILL youth begin to realize there are no boundaries to what each can accomplish.

A Day on the Rivers: Environmental Literacy & Biodiversity

A Day on the Rivers: Environmental Literacy & Biodiversity

The Chesapeake Bay and its watershed are the heart and soul of the Mid-Atlantic. The Anacostia and Potomac Rivers are arteries to this heart. In November, WILL youth board the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s (CBF’s) boat Bea Hayman Clark to learn about the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, the integral role that the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers play in the Watershed, and our role in keeping the Bay healthy. They perform water quality and biodiversity tests and have the exhilarating experience of driving the boat.

WILL’s Holiday Party

WILL’s Holiday Party

Creativity, teamwork, and communication abound at WILL’s December Holiday Party. WILL youth decorate trees and the party room in true holiday style and have fun making holiday stockings with their families. We enjoy a tasty meal and discuss WILL, our mission, and our goals. Each youth receives a special, personal gift to commemorate the first part of their year-long WILL adventure and each WILL family receives a poinsettia.

Holiday Alumni Lunch

Holiday Alumni Lunch

Annually, WILL alumni gather during the holidays for a festive lunch to reunite with their WILL classmates, meet and become friends with other members of the WILL family, reminisce about their WILL experiences, laugh, and learn what old and new WILL friends are doing and to share WILL’s impact on their respective lives.

Financial Literacy & SMART Goals

Financial Literacy & SMART Goals

Significant emphasis is given to these important life skills during the WILL year. WILL youth learn and discuss the concept of dignity and living one’s life with financial dignity, needs v. wants, discretionary and necessary spending, setting a budget, the difference between a checking and saving account, the difference between a credit union and a bank, credit, the components of a credit score and the role this plays in the ability to get a loan, and different investment options. Youth also learn how to create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals, and create action plans to achieve them.

Wellness/Nutrition & Cultural Appreciation Days

Wellness/Nutrition & Cultural Appreciation Days

Our body is an engine and WILL’s goal is to provide skills and tools for WILL youth to make healthy nutrition, hydration, and wellness decisions. WILL youth are engaged in lively interactive discussions about healthy eating and beverage choices, portion size, reading packages for nutritional content, and the benefits of organic over processed foods, sleep, and being active. During the afternoons of these insightful days, we learn about and experience the musical  genre known as American and Ukrainian music and culture, and WILL youth learn Ukrainian folk dance.

Biases, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Biases, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We discuss the concept of equity and the importance of providing resources and access to resources to address historic imbalances. Additionally, while we are all unique, we have many similarities that connect us. WILL youth have lively discussions about how we see others, how we each see ourselves, and that being inclusive is important to being effective in life and being an effective leader. WILL youth learn that we all have biases and being aware of them and how we deal with them is an important life skill.

CPR & 1st Aid

CPR & 1st Aid

WILL youth gain beneficial practical knowledge that they can use to assist others in situations they may encounter, including the Heimlich maneuver, CPR (everyone practices on a mannequin and can get certified), to apply well-aimed direct pressure on a bleeding wound, how to treat burns, allergic reactions, heat exhaustion and heat stroke, hypothermia, and other health issues that one might come across.

Expedition Orientation & College Admissions Forum

Expedition Orientation & College Admissions Forum

In the first part of the day, we discuss the 7-Day Expedition such as expectations, gear, what is provided, and what to bring and not to bring. We answer questions, allay fears, and encourage youth to be open to the experience – one that will challenge us all in different ways and can be one of the best experiences of one’s life.

During the second part of the day, we discuss post-high school options (gap year, vocational school, work, AmeriCorps, college). Admissions reps from area universities join us and inform WILL youth and families about finding the right college “fit”, the application process, available resources, the importance of maximizing one’s high school experience, and how to pay for college through different forms of financial aid, including DC TAG.

Day at Mount Vernon

Day at Mount Vernon

WILL youth come away with a new appreciation of President/General/Farmer George Washington. They discuss some of the Rules of Civility that Washington copied as a teen to work on his penmanship, which is regarded as influential in the development of his character, and how the rules are still relevant today; WILL youth learn about Washington as a farmer first and his crop rotation system (a SMART Goal steeped in financial literacy); and how his views on slavery changed during his life. We visit parts of the mansion not afforded to most Mount Vernon visitors and lay a wreath, and spend reflective time at the Memorial to the enslaved people who lived, worked, and died at Mount Vernon.

Community Service

Community Service

Service learning is an integral part of the WILL experience so that WILL youth learn and appreciate the importance of giving back to one’s community. Leaders care about and give to others and to their communities. WILL youth participate in a full-day service project working with the Anacostia Watershed Society (AWS). This service learning is environmental – whether doing wetland planting, removing invasive plants, building goose fences to protect wetland plants, or removing debris from the Anacostia watershed, WILL plays a regular role in the revival of the Anacostia. Additionally, we do a day of service at the CBF’s Clagett Farm; approximately one-third of the produce grown at the Farm is provided to the Capital Food Bank or to other local food distribution centers.

Spring Break on the Bay

Spring Break on the Bay

We spend three days at a Chesapeake Bay Foundation (CBF) environmental educational center during spring break. WILL youth broaden their environmental/ecological education and understanding of the Bay and its watershed beginning in the fall. We learn more about sediment, nutrients, toxins, climate change and erosion, the important barrier, filtration, food, and habitat benefits of the marsh, we explore and remove debris from barrier islands, dredge on an oyster bar, set crab pots, make s’mores and tell stories around a roaring campfire, canoe, do leadership initiatives, learn Leave No Trace ethics, and expand our knowledge of the Bay’s importance and our role in its future. This trip provides a wonderful opportunity for WILL youth to be out of the city and to have many new experiences, including seeing magnificent sunsets and sunrises, ospreys, and bald eagles.

Canoeing on the Anacostia River

Canoeing on the Anacostia River

The day provides an engaging outdoor activity that is new to most and offers the rare chance to see wildlife like Great Blue Herons, Osprey, Bald Eagles, Snowy Egrets, and turtles. It also provides the opportunity to see the state of the River and the role we play in the future health of the Anacostia – and thus the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.

Scavenger Hunt on the National Mall

Scavenger Hunt on the National Mall

WILL youth have an exhilarating day learning about our Nation’s history and finding answers to questions relating to the educational gems in the monuments, memorials, and museums along The Mall, and in the National Gallery of Art such as: what do the columns around the Lincoln Memorial represent; how many women’s names are on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall; what do the stars on the Wall of Freedom at the WW II Memorial represent; what is the name of the boat in Winslow Homer’s Breezing Up and how many lions are in Reubens’ Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Do you know the answers?

Resume Writing and Interview Skills

Resume Writing and Interview Skills

At WILL, we believe that a well-written resume is more than just a summary of one’s experiences; it’s an opportunity to showcase who you are and what you bring to the table. Strong interview skills allow one to convey their story, make connections, and leave a memorable impression.

We help WILL youth develop these critical skills by discussing the purpose of a resume, proper formatting, what to include/not include, how to prepare for an interview, proper interview etiquette (attire, being prompt, what to bring, eye contact, the thank you), being able to discuss how your skills match the job description and asking questions.

Summer Expedition

Summer Expedition

The summer 7-day multi-element Expedition - including backpacking, canoeing, caving, rock climbing, and repelling - is a seminal aspect of the WILL year. The Expedition continues the process of expanding WILL youths’ comfort zones, hones “Leave No Trace” ethics and the importance of environmental stewardship, and reinforces their growing understanding of responsibility for their decisions/actions. The Expedition further cements the importance of goal setting and action plans to achieve goals as a path to being effective in life.

Alumni Picnic

Alumni Picnic

WILL alumni gather to enjoy a summer afternoon, reminisce about their WILL experience, share what each is doing and the ongoing impact of their WILL year in their lives, catch up with friends, and make new friends in the WILL family.



In September, WILL youth who successfully complete the year, their families, WILL volunteers, and Board Members gather to celebrate and honor the youths’ accomplishments, grit and commitment, and their year of new experiences and experiential learning.

What our graduates have to say about WILL

Support teens like these.

I have grown in every way possible by being a part of WILL; I would do it again 1,000 times. Every WILL program I learned something new. I will never get a chance to do something like WILL again.  I think that everyone should do the WILL Program.


WILL Graduate

Through WILL I learned that there is greatness in me, that I have a bright future, and that I can do anything I choose to do by working hard to achieve it.

Girl rock climbing


WILL Graduate

WILL greatly increased my level of self-confidence.  Steve says that we all have greatness  in us and because of my WILL experience I believe him.


WILL Graduate

WILL is a once in a lifetime experience and is a life changing experience that gives you more than you could ever imagine.


WILL Graduate

If I were you, I would join the WILL Program. It is really a great experience; you learn about yourself and get to do things you never thought you would or could do. WILL should be required for all high school students.


WILL Graduate

My WILL experience was inspirational.  I participated in life changing activities that I would not have experienced without being in WILL.  I gained a new appreciation for nature and the importance of taking care of the environment, and I learned that I am a compassionate person and a good leader.


WILL Graduate

WILL is the best program; it expanded who I am and made me a stronger person. Every WILL activity was my favorite because each one gave me knowledge.


WILL Graduate

Of the many things I learned in WILL, a few that standout are: I can do anything if I put the time and effort in it, how to make SMART goals and action plans to achieve my goals, to take care of the environment by not wasting food and conserving water, and the importance of money management and credit, how to implement a budget, and to live with financial dignity.


WILL Graduate

WILL teaches us SMART Goals so we know how to set clear goals and to use action plans to achieve our goals. This is inspirational to me because learning SMART Goals has me excited about what I can and will do in the future.


WILL Graduate